Team members of TAAC
Building bridges between communities, nationally and internationally through art and culture to deepen our senses of beauty, inspiration, and empathy.
We believe racial equality is an ultimate humanity to be pursued. The discussion should not be confined to only one voice, one direction. The source of our problems as well as the solution is to be found in the heart of the society in which we live and work.

Based in New York, The Taiwanese American Arts Council (TAAC) will foster awareness of Taiwanese American art and encourage dialogue on artistic issues within the broader community in the United States. This marks TAAC’s seventh year, in which we pursue with increased vigor the goals found in the mission statement above. Promoting and publicizing Taiwanese-American and Taiwanese art is TAAC’s reason for existing.
Building bridges between communities and internationally through art and culture to deepen our senses of beauty, inspiration, and empathy.
台美文藝協會(TAAC)於2014年是正式設立於美國紐約的非營利組織,由海外的藝文工作者結合社區意見領袖,懷抱著對台灣藝術文化推展的一股熱誠,在紐約國際藝術重鎮,推展台灣和國際鏈接的藝術文化工作;基於相信透過文化與藝術的聯繫是國際相互瞭解的重要元素,由陳隆豐博士與專業策展人李美華、並得到當年皇后美術館館長與前纽约市文化局長Tom Finkelpearl 的鼓勵諮詢及工作場地提供;同時集結紐約台美研究行動領袖黃再添、並經由台灣現代版畫之父廖修平教授的協助及企業家陳秋貴的參與,同時邀集旅居紐約的藝術家的參與力量成立,在成立之初, 台美文藝協會設立宗旨在於透過文化藝術的交流連結在美國與台灣的優秀台灣藝術創作者、專家、與學者。成立迄今結合紐約藝文機構透過文化藝術的合作交流在海外以專業對話讓台灣與國際產生對話、了解、與尊重,超越爲政治因素產生的困境。促進國際文化交流,培養海外社群對臺灣文化之認識與欣賞,尋求與專業藝文機構建立長期合作夥伴關係,辦理多元而深入之藝文主題活動。
TAAC將秉持跨越政治宗教,緊守中心宗旨並適時調整以因應國際潮流與現實趨勢。TAAC將年度性支持台灣在美的藝術活動;並協助美國的台裔藝術家、不同族群的台灣藝術之友、個人、機構團體的展覽、表演及各類型藝術創作;協同藝術工作者擴展藝術觀眾群,組成聯繫網絡以分享訊息、 資源及經費;支持跨領域各類型的藝術形式與展現;建立國際上對台灣藝術的認知了解;逐步與美國不同藝術機構建立合作聯盟關係。
Mission Statement
The Taiwanese American Arts Council will foster awareness of Taiwanese American art and encourage dialogue on artistic issues within the broader community in the United States, by the following means.
Coordinating, sponsoring, and presenting high quality programs in all disciplines of art, and encouraging cross cultural exchange between artists from Taiwan and artists in North America of various ethnicities by enabling them to exhibit, perform, publication, and produce their work in the United States.
Identifying and granting financial assistance to deserving Taiwanese-American artists and organizations, and assisting them in forming a network for sharing information, resources and funding.
Building awareness and appreciation of Taiwanese art in North America by promoting individual artists and by forging alliances with other cultural and art organizations.
Encouraging scholarship in the arts by commissioning academic essays outlining artistic significance, and publishing catalogs, books, and advertising material to bring Taiwanese American art to the attention of the broader international community.
The Taiwanese American Arts Council (TAAC) was established in 2014 to carry forward the mission of the Taiwanese Art Endowment Fund, which led to the creation of the Taiwan Gallery at the Queens Museum of Art. Professional art curator Luchia Meihua Lee, with support from Taiwanese community leader Dr. Lung Fong Chen, and former Queens Museum director Tom Finkelpearl, provided advisory vision, consultation, and assistance with securing office space. Also, Patrick Huang and Thomas Chen joined forces to help realize this vision, alongside contributions from Prof. Liao Shiou Ping, a pioneer of modern printmaking in Taiwan, who provided the initial funding.
TAAC's mission is to support Taiwanese artists, scholars, and specialists in the arts. The organization aims to assist cultural and art leaders across various fields, extending its support to all states in the U.S. and all counties in Taiwan, with plans for annual expansion.
Herewith a few examples of how TAAC has fulfilled the mission outlined above.
In 2023-2024, TAAC was selected as a residency organization on Governors Island, where we have been active from May to the end of October. During this period, we have organized artist studio programs, exhibitions, performances, workshops, seminars, talks, and more. These initiatives have benefited over 80 artists in two years and have engaged with more than 700,000 visitors to the island.
In 2023, we organized the NYC Art Bridge: Wellness through Art program in collaboration with Yale University Medical School and several Ivy League psychiatric groups, named CHATogether, collaborated with Dr. Eunice Yuan to fullfil the programs. This program featured exhibitions, seminars, workshops, and interviews focused on the intersection of art and wellness.
2019 to 2020: TAAC organized an exhibition of contemporary art entitled Urban Tribes-Urban Caravan involving 20 artists and taking place at New York Foundation for the Arts, E. Tay Gallery, and El Taller Latino Americano, and in Light Year on the Manhattan Bridge anchorage (July 4 and September 5).
2017: TAAC arranged a major exhibition of visual art entitled Rewoven at Queens College, Queensborough Community College, and Williamsburg's El Museo de los Sures. Rewoven included artists from Taiwan and artists from New York City, and considered how contemporary artists are reworking the definition of fabric art by using innovative methods, unusual materials, and recycled resources. TAAC facilitated an exchange between New York artists affiliated with COPE-NYC and the Soulangh Cultural Center in Tainan, Taiwan. Artists from Tainan visited New York and their residency culminated in a public exhibition entitled Fully Loaded at the former Pfizer building in Brooklyn. Conversely, artists from New York City undertook a residency in Tainan.
2015-16: TAAC mounted The Moment, an exhibition at 5 venues (Queens Botanical Garden, Queens Museum, New York Hall of Science, Flushing Meadow/Corona Park, and Tenri Gallery in Manhattan)
Goals and Objectives
Help artists and art organizations in North America as well as to facilitate artists from Taiwan and friends of Taiwan of different ethnicities to exhibit, perform, and produce their work here.
Work cooperatively with colleagues around the US to broaden our collective audiences and to form a network for sharing information, resources, and funding.
Supports all artistic disciplines in classical, fusion, folk, and innovative forms influenced by the arts of Taiwan.
Build awareness of Taiwanese art in North America. Promote and build alliances with other organizations.
Founding Members
Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Patrick Huang, Thomas Chen, Luchia Meihua Lee
Founding President Dr. Lung Fong Chen (陳隆豐)
Founding members: Patrick Huang (黄再添)
Founding members: Thomas Chen (陳秋貴)
Founding Executive Director Luchia Meihua Lee (李美華)
Honorary Chairman Prof. Liao Shiou Ping (廖修平)
May 2014 to now, the change of TAAC Board trustee, and working team
2014 May Board members: Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Patrick Huang, Thomas Chen
President: Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Executive Director: Luchia Meihua Lee
2015 Board members: Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Patrick Huang, Thomas Chen
President: Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Executive Director: Luchia Meihua Lee
2016 Board members: Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Patrick Huang, Thomas Chen
President: Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Executive Director: Luchia Meihua Lee
2017 Board members: Patrick Huang
President: Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Executive Director: Luchia Meihua Lee
2018 Board members: Patrick Huang
President: Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Executive Director: Luchia Meihua Lee
2019 Board members: Patrick Huang
President: Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Executive Director: Luchia Meihua Lee
2020 Board members: Patrick Huang, Ming Chiang, Thomas Chen
President: Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Executive Director: Luchia Meihua Lee
2021 Board members: Patrick Huang, Thomas Chen
President: Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Executive Director: Luchia Meihua Lee
2022 Board members: Patrick Huang, Thomas Chen, Patsy Chen, Ming Chiang
President: Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Executive Director: Luchia Meihua Lee
2023 Board members: June-May 2024 Patrick Huang, Thomas Chen, Patsy Chen, Ming Chiang
President: Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Executive Director: Luchia Meihua Lee
2024 June - Yang Tzu-Shong, Patrick Huang, Thomas Chen, Patsy Chen, Ming Chiang
President: Yang Tzu-Shong, Executive Director: Luchia Meihua Lee, Deputy Director: Li-Hsiang Huang
Other Board Member: Patsy Chen, Ming Chiang
About Patsy Chen 方秀蓉
Patsy Chen Born in Taipei/Taiwan, 1968 move to Chicago/ Illinois. Chen graduated from National Taiwan University of Art(國立台灣藝術專科學校) in1968 major in Piano Performance, and in 1980, she earn M.S of Music Education from New York University. she worked as Secretary of Medical Education Department at Norwegian – American Hospital, Chicago, Illinois from 1968 to1970. Then she was Piano Instructor from1978 to Present. and worked as president of KYVAS Arts Management Inc from1989 to1993. from1986 to Present, Chen is the coordinator of Concert management, promotion and tour production. Also, Chen was the Community Liaison of Queens Symphony Orchestra from1993 to2003. more, she is the Artistic Director of Youth Orchestra, CYCNY ( from1998 to Present. Chen’s accomplishments includes:1.Concert Productions and International Concert Tours, 2.Community Services in Greater New York and at Taiwanese-American Community 3. Taiwan Center Deputy chairwoman (紐約台灣會館副理事長) in 2016 until now.
About Ming Chiang 江明信
Ming Chiang is the President and Founder of Biacomm Inc., which is a developer and manufacturer of zero emissions industrial equipment to replace gasoline/diesel power equipment. He has been the President of Yu Shan Company (since 2005), a furniture manufacturer established in 1969. Yu Shan is the most senior Taiwanese member with the International Housewares Association, and has been a member since 1977. They have two locations, in New York and Las Vegas. He is the President and founder of Casual Home Worldwide (since 1989), a distributor of luggage, furniture, small electronics, and various consumer products. He is the Managing Director and Founder of Casual Home (Thailand) Co., LTD (since 1998), a manufacturer of wood furniture. The company currently employs about 400 associates.
From 2012 to present, he has been the Director of the American Red Cross of Long Island. From 2019 to present, he has been the Founder and President of Hello Taiwan, Ltd. 501(C3) A non-profit organization to promote Taiwan. From 2019 to present, he has been the Market Director of Taiwanese American Council of Greater New York. From 2020 to present, he has been a board member of the Long Island Association. LIA is a 100 year trade association with 10,000+ members. Ming is proud to be its first and only Taiwanese-American serving on its board. Ming graduated from Polytechnic University of New York in 1987 with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.
About our working team:
Luchia Meihua Lee, Executive Director, Chief curator
Dr. Kenneth Howell, Senior editor, Advisor, liaison to the city government sector
Li-Hsiang Huang, Deputy Director, Associate Curator, to assist the fulfilment of TAAC exchange project in connection with the culture and arts of Taiwan
Taiwanese in NY, interview Patrick Huang, the BAS Founder 【台灣人在紐約 EP5:布魯克林藝站創辦人,黃再添專訪】回首那段難辛壓迫的歲月-楊次雄-201412/
Partners and Supporters
Shining Sung, the US representative of CHIMEI Museum
Patsy Chen, Artistic Director at Youth Orchestra, CYCNY
Kenneth Howell, Senior Editor
布魯克林藝站(Brooklyn Artists Studio--BAS)
Jack and Dorothy Kupferberg Family Foundation
Amerasia Bank
Bank of Hope