THE MOMENT 2015 marked TAAC's second year, in which we pursued with increased vigor the goals found in the mission statement. Promoting and publicizing Taiwanese-American and Taiwanese art is TAAC's reason for existing.
Contemporary Taiwanese American Arts
To draw a Contemporary Art forum is to separate from both modern and historical perspectives, to immerse oneself in current time and space. A meeting point in the processing time from past and to the future. We might call it the “moment;” it is short and creative.It entails catching an idea when it appears like a flash of light. It can – and must - disappear in the next femtosecond. A “moment” can mean a minute portion of time, or the product of quantity (as a force) and the distance to a particular point. THE MOMENT in contemporary art can be ideally a philosophical term and scientific necessity.
THE MOMENT starts at the New York Hall of Science. The traditional format of painting shares space with an intertwining of natural with industrial material, and a literature space employs the latest interactive technology.These are threads expressing multiple directions, meeting in this MOMENT. The MOMENT investigates the play of the virtual and the real, inward and outward, our intimate reflection on a surface, dark and light, or a view of self in the outside environment.The Moment visualizes a picture, an object, a location, a person, or a fanciful collective memory of how we evolved as creatures. We are about to investigates the artist’s relation to society and himself.
Romping through contemporary aesthetics, artists and the curators share different interpretations; each artwork displays its own moment, as the product of a unique insight and the distance the artist has carried his or her conception, and this is a moment for us to carefully experience and think about “no-where” and “now-here.”
National Hall of Science

Queens Museum - Flushing Meadow Corona Park
Queens Museum, NY
Moving Sound- music, performance

Queens Museum, NYC
Passport Thursday, Movie, performance, concert

Six interactive Projects at Queens Museum
Queens Botanical Garden, NYC

Tenri Cultural Center, Manhattan, NYC

Taiwan Center, Flushing, Queens, NY
2015 September 27 6-10pm TAAC Annual Gala at Taiwan Center.
Candy Bird mural front and side of Taiwan Center; Shan Y Chuang dance; HsiangLu Meng's clay shoes sculpture
Chinchi Yang's can weaving sculpture; installation view of Taiwan Center lobby; acrylic painting by Eric C. Chiang; special guest: Martha Wilson, with artist Chinchih Yang.
Taiwanese artists received a proclamation from Senator Toby Stavinsky; sit down dinner banquet view,;mural by Candy Bird at Taiwan Center; cocktail time outdoor music performance.