*NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are one of the world's newest investment vehicles, and their market has only grown in the last few years. They are popular as a way for artists to reach collectors. for collectors to invest in art, for galleries and organizations to reach collectors. One welcome feature of NFTs for artists is the possibility of programming in royalties so the artist will receive a percentage of sales whenever their art is sold to a new owner.
* NFT是一個目前非常熱門的新興數位產業,結合藝術及生活產業的與數位虛擬貨幣的操作,是藝術創作者及創業者及收藏者的一個可能平台。具有其不可替代,獨一無二,沒有地域限制,藝術創作者可有持續性回收等特性;在未來的新經濟體系,NFT勢必占有舉足輕重的地位。
NFT - Formosart TAAC artist store
NFT artist Te-Sian Shih (Lera)
Beyond Her Story!
NFT artist Giovanna Sun (Dubwoman)
The Techspressionism Brooklyn Tuesday December 16, from 4 to 9pm
Techspressionism Brooklyn @Williamsburg Hotel Showcase Art+Holiday Mixer
Venue: The Williamsburg Hotel
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../techspressionism-brooklyn...

TAAC 2022- NFT Art in Focus
Art in Focus -II step by step set up your NFT
Zoom Seminar: Thursday January 20th, 2022 7-9pm EST
guest speaker: Kenneth Hu /Formosart
segment one: https://youtu.be/2LVddZrtG68
segment two: https://youtu.be/Qq6HBE6Tnl0
https://youtu.be/ssdbcaJ5KZM (1+2 without ekey)
* General concept of NFT/ERC 基本概念
* How to set up your Metamask wallet? 如何創建Metamask錢包?
* Formosart TAAC Store (future manage window) TAAC 未來管理的Formosart NFT店面窗口
* Individual artist Formosart account set up 個別藝術家自行在Formosart設立NFT
Q&A + discussion
* Artist meet market? various art style? 藝術家自己面對市場?不同類型的NFT創作?
* NFT editions? NFT 作品設定件數?
* Risks? Marketing? secondary creation? Copy Right? 風險?
NFT Art in Focus Zoom seminar: Wednesday January 5th, 2022 7pm – 8:30 pm EST
Zoom Seminar: Wednesday January 5th, 2022 7pm – 8:30 pm EST
Full video - https://youtu.be/0oTeE1XbKw8
dissect video:
I - Kenneth Hu - https://youtu.be/Mk0451zELy0
II - Colin Goldberg - https://youtu.be/3w-6NjsDnwA
III - Daniel Fainman - https://youtu.be/YW2l94sqJGw
NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are one of the world's newest investment vehicles, and their market has only grown in the last few years. They are popular as a way for artists to reach collectors. for collectors to invest in art, for galleries and organizations to reach collectors. One welcome feature of NFTs for artists is the possibility of programming in royalties so the artist will receive a percentage of sales whenever their art is sold to a new owner.
We will introduce the concept of NFTs, their operation, structure, why they benefits galleries, artists, and collectors, how to get involved with NFTs, and how to manage them. Also, there will be an open Q & A
TAAC 2022- NFT Art in Focus (Full) Wednesday January 5th, 2022 7pm – 8:30 pm EST
I • 00:00:05 - 00:25:05: Kenneth Hu, founder of Formosart, which is based in Singapore and focuses on the international market. https://youtu.be/Mk0451zELy0
II • 00:25:05 - 00:48:07: Colin Goldberg, founder of Techspressionism, artist, and collector based in the US. https://youtu.be/3w-6NjsDnwA
III • 00:48:07 -01:27:14 Daniel Fainman: CEO, Larecoin.com, NFT Artist Lead Designer at CryptoChumz.com. Senior Software/ Blockchain Engineer, Ethereum Smart Contract Developer. https://youtu.be/YW2l94sqJGw
II - Colin Goldberg - https://youtu.be/3w-6NjsDnwA
III - Daniel Fainman - https://youtu.be/YW2l94sqJGw
Vivian Tsao
Journey in Light - Exhibition of Words and Images
Now through December 10, 2021 at National Arts Club (15 Gramercy Park South, New York City https://www.nationalartsclub.org/exhibitions)

She Says, Her Story - Contemporary Women Artists from Taiwan
November 11 to December 19, 2021 at IA&A at Hillyer in D.C.
Curator: Yu-Chuan TSENG
participating artists: I-Chun CHEN 、Wen-Jen DENG 鄧文貞、Jui Hung NI Heidi Ni、Ping-Yu PAN 潘娉玉、Yi-Hsin TZENG Tzeng YiHsin、Ya-Lan YU 游雅蘭
Venue: International Arts & Artists building, IA&A at Hillyer
9 Hillyer Court NW, Washington, DC 20008 [located near Metro Red LIne, Dupont Circle north exit] 1+ 202-338-0680
for the most recent information: www.artsandartists.org
Six female Taiwanese artists of different identities (Aboriginal, Hakka, Taiwanese, and Lesbian) and of different ages (30-50 years old) participate to voice "Her story." Employing various media - including video, painting, print, woven fabric, soft sculpture, and light box - the artists express their observations and explorations as they relate to their personal lives and the stories of their ancestors and and friends.