Jenny Yuan Gao 高媛
12 Moons -Year Of Sheep
12 Moons-Year Of Horse
Gao Yuan
Born KaoShing, Taiwan, Lives and works in New York
Gao Yuan Born and raised in KaoShing, Taiwan, currently splitting her time living and working in New York City and Beijing, China.
Gao Yuan studied photography in Tokyo Japan at the Nihon Academy of Fine Art university and in New York at the New York Film Academy. She practiced commercial and fashion photography while at the same time pursuing a career in Fine Art photography, combining western and eastern cultural elements to demonstrate how cultural identity is shaped by the socio-political environment. She has been the recipient of the Grand Prize at Kaunas Lithuania Biennial 2012. In 2009 she was awarded The Terna Contemporary Art Prize and was an award winner at the Soho Photo Gallery Competition, New York (2004). Her work has been the subject of frequent exhibitions in Europe, Asia, and US. Most recently these have included a group show, “Au feminin” at the Museum Centre Culturel Calouste Gulbenkia in Lisbon, Portugal (2009), It was a show that also featured work by Cindy Sherman and Diane Arbus, and Ruth Bernhard. Other recent activities include: a solo exhibition at National Museum of M.K. Ciurlionis, Kaunas, Lithuania (2013-2014). Also: New York AIPAD photography show (2013), Soug Zoung Art Museum, Beijing (2010). Art Basel (Art Miami, 2008), and the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art (2008).
1997 New York Film Academy course work, New York
1989 MFA Nihon academy of fine art, Tokyo, Japan
1985 BFA Tainan university of technology department of fine arts.
2013-2014 National Musuem of M.K.Clurlionis, Kaunas, Lithuania
2012 Galerie Grand Siècle, Taipei, Taiwan
Canvas international art, Amsterdam, Netherland
Soho Photo gallery, New York
2011 Lokstallet Art Center Strömstad, Sweden
Artlatitude galerie du Facteur Cheval, Versailles, France
2010 Art Tach collection, Greenwhice, CT
2007 Images of Identity and Territory, Inter Photo gallery, Beijing, China
2013 Arts gallery Kaplan Hall, Bard collage, Curated by
Patricia Karetzky New York
Art Rotterdam art fair, Rotterdam, Netherlands
The AIPAD New York photography show, New York
2012 "The city & the city " curated by Fion Gunn A.P.T
gallery, London, UK
Kaunas Biennia Musuem of M.K.Clurlionis, curated by
Virginija Vtkiene, Kaunas, Lithuania
Art Latitude group show, Douai, France
Viriditas Art Exchange Manningham Gallery, curated by
Denise-keele bedford Melbourne, Australia
Gallery of Academy Sint-Niklaas curated by Lui GauPen, Belgium
Screenage art document at SougZoung Art Museum, Beijing
Korean Art Culture Center, Beijing, China
“Irish Wave” A collaborative of Irish & Chinese artist Yi Gallery, Beijing
“Au feminin” exhibition with Cindy Sherman, Ruth Bernhard,
Diane Arbus at Museum Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbonne, Portugal
Spiritual themes in contemporary, Frederieke Taylor Gallery, New York
A (re)Turn to (re)Form, Mark Wolfe Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Art Miami Festival Miami, FL
PingYao International Photography Festival, Xing An, China
Palacio consistorial de cartagena art center,Cartagena,Spain
Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, China
798 Time Space Gallery, Beijing, China
2007 Classic Beauty, Throckmorton Fine Art, New York
International Juried Show Visual Arts Center of New Jersey
2006 New York Digital Art Show, The Lab Gallery, New York
2004 Soho Photo Gallery Competition Group Show, New York
2003 Art Incubator Inaugural Art Exhibition, Ethan Cohen Gallery, New York
2011 Winners of Grand Prize, at Kaunas Biennial, Lithuania
2009 Terna contemporary art prize Rome, Italy
2009 The worldwide photography GALA awards USA
2004 Winner of Soho Photo Gallery Competition, New York
2013 Museum of Fine art KaoShing, Taiwan 2009 Museum Palacio Consistorial, Cartegena, Spain
2009 Museum Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbonne, Portugal