田文筆 Wen-Pi Tien
Cow 圓滿
30 X 22 inches
1978 台灣 屏東縣琉球鄉
學歷 國立台灣藝術大學版畫藝術研究所
個展 2014「現在 再現」寫生個展,高雄市立圖書館,高雄
2009-2010「形塑、傳神」- 向60位當代藝術家致敬 雕塑個展,正修科技大學藝術中心、屏東美術館、
獲獎2009 巴黎大獎得主
2009 中華民國第二十四屆版印年畫首獎
2008 中華民國第13屆國際版畫雙年展文建會主委獎(銀牌獎)
Wen-Pi Tien
Born 1978 in Liuqiu Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan
Graduate School of Printmaking, College of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
Individual Exhibition
2014 “Represent the present”, Kaohsiung Public Library, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
2012 “A Kind of Beauty”, King Art Gallery, Taipei City, Taiwan
2011 Sculpture: “Salute to Taiwan Spirit”, First Bank Gallery, New York, United States
2011 “Anytime”, King Art Gallery, Taipei City, Taiwan
2011 Print: “Exploring the Spirit of Self-Creativity”, Kaohsiung Public Library, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
2009-2010 Sculpture: “Tribute to 60 contemporary artists”, Arts Center in Cheng
Shiu University, Pingtung Art Museum and National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Kaohsiung, Pingtung and Taipei City, Taiwan
2009 Winner of “Grand Prix de Paris”
2009 First Prize in the 24th “The Chinese New Year Print” Competition, R.O.C
2008 Silver CCA Award in the 13th “International Biennial Print” Exhibition, R.O.C