May 17, 2025 ECO Art on Governors Island~ Stay Tuned~


May 17, 2025 ECO Art on Governors Island~ Stay Tuned~ 〰️

Join us Thursday March 13, 2025 4-7pm at QCC Art Gallery/CUNY~ A Spring Reception for exhibition “Island Sunflower Reflections”

〰️Spring and autumn passes, but don't forget the sunflowers ~

Join us Thursday March 13, 2025 4-7pm at QCC Art Gallery/CUNY~ A Spring Reception for exhibition “Island Sunflower Reflections” 〰️Spring and autumn passes, but don't forget the sunflowers ~

Building bridges between communities, nationally and internationally through art and culture to deepen our senses of beauty, inspiration, and empathy. We believe racial equality is an ultimate humanity to be pursued. The discussion should not be confined to only one voice, one direction. The source of our problems as well as the solution is to be found in the heart of the society in which we live and work

Taiwanese American Arts Council (TAAC), established in 2014, is committed to fostering awareness of Taiwanese-American art and supporting cultural exchanges. We are delighted to facilitate this connection and look forward to your response.

Season Close at TAAC House 7B, Nolan Park, Governors Island.

From blooming flowers to sweeping fall foliage, from island sunrise to sunset, we bid farewell to the "Island Sunrise" exhibition at TAAC House 7B, Nolan Park, Governors Island as we close for the season. We are deeply grateful to the friends who helped us with packing and cleaning during the challenging deinstallation, and to the wonderful artists who stayed with us until the very end. Many of these artists joined us throughout the spring, summer, and fall, and together we created lasting memories of 2024 on Governors Island.

Art as resistance, selected works of STEVEN BALOGH, exhibit at the 228 National Memorial Museum in Taipei City, TAIWAN. Opening celebration on December 07, 2024 2-5 pm.

Open from 12/07 2024 to 03/23 2025.

Tap on the photos to see the full images..

“Some masterpieces aren’t just art - they’re acts of rebellion, daring the world to confront beauty, power, end the raw edge of human emotion.”

Upcoming ~

Island Sunflower reflections

Island Sunflower Reflections to be exhibited at QCC Art Gallery/CUNY, Queens. From November 18, 2024 to February 2025. Venue QCC Art Gallery/CUNY

Exhibition dates: November 18th 2024 ~ February 28th, 2025 
Spring reception: Thursday March 13, 2025 4-7pm
Curators: Luchia Meihua Lee, TAAC; Faustino Quintanilla, QCC Art Gallery/CUNY
 Participating artists: 
  1. Pin-Hsin Chu 朱品馨
  2. Wen-Jen Deng 鄧文貞
  3. Chia-Hsuan 郭佳瑄
  4. Ming-Jer Kuo 郭明哲
  5. Tsung-Jung Liu 劉宗榮
  6. Island Sunrise Team
  7. Carle Shi
  8. Kacey Wong 黄國才

This exhibition presents visual and written records from the 2014 Sunflower Movement, alongside reflections on global struggles. Featured works include installations of thousands of aircraft-shaped wall stickers, symbolizing the ongoing threat of cross-strait conflict, and paintings capturing the ever-changing world through the artist’s eyes.

Artist Ming-Jer Kuo responds to the incursions across the Taiwan Strait, where aircrafts extend beyond China's territorial airspace. Visitors will encounter a mural resembling a child’s room, offering an immersive experience that conveys the constant tension of daily life in Taiwan. The work invites reflection on the resilience of the people living under this daily pressure.

New Season will be start from May TAAC House 7B, Nolan Park, Governors Island. Stay Tuned!

ECO ART ON ISLAND, May 15-November 1, 2025

Eco Art on Islands emphasize the natural succession of humans and repopulation and their effect on the environment. The subject “Eco Art on Island”  contained art exhibition (leg one) - is a metaphor for this issue which is the urgent responsibility of us all. In art and life, no one is external to the social and cultural framework in which we live. Each of us has assisted in Earth’s degeneration. This is the result of decades of commitment to the priority of material value and economic centralization, to the exclusion of artistic expression, intellectual culture change, or sustainability.

This year's TAAC house theme is "Eco Art on Island," which art release that climate change is a global health emergency, affecting millions of children and their families.

The current concerns of climate change include acute events (e.g., wildfires, hurricanes, foods), subacute events (e.g., droughts), or chronic events (e.g., increasing temperatures; Clemens V 2020). another attention will be paid to the history of Governors Island its use by the Lenape Nation – its indigenous inhabitants – and then by the British and US military. Just as Governors Island has been occupied by different groups of people over time,

To continue arbitrarily with leg two that with wellness, we will Collaborate with Yale CHATogether group. We understand Climate Change has provoked “eco-anxiety” according to several world-wide survey conducted in children and adolescents, including feeling “afraid” (57%), “helpless,” “guilty” (40%), and “angry” (52%), disempowerment (70%), disturbed sleep and eating, and believing that adults did not take their opinions seriously (Atherton R; Chiw A; Hamel L 2019). At the humanity level, climate change is considered a social determinant factor intertwined with poverty, racism, unstable housing, and disparity access to education, physical and mental health, and other basic needs (Ragavan MI 2020 and Foundation WHOaCG 2014).

 these climate events can impact mental health through multiple ways, including direct and indirect effects In both youth and adults, heat waves and rising ambient temperatures are associated with aggression (Younan D 2018), increasing psychiatric crisis at emergency rooms (Vida S 2012), self-harm and suicides (Zuromski KL 2019 and Dumont C 2020).

From blooming flowers to sweeping fall foliage, from Island sunrise to sunset, we bid farewell to the "Island Sunrise" exhibition at TAAC House 7B, Nolan Park, Governors Island as we close for the season of 2024. We are deeply grateful to the friends who helped us with packing and cleaning during the challenging installation and deinstallation, and to the wonderful artists who stayed with us until the very end. Many of these artists joined us throughout the spring, summer, and fall, and together we created lasting memories of 2024 on Governors Island.

Screening Date:         Saturday, October 26, 2024, 14:00-16:10

Venue:                        Culture Center of TECO in New York

                                     133-32 41 Road Flushing, NY 11355

                                    Tel:718-886-7770 Ext.105   Fax:718-961-3303

Contact person:         Mary 929-310-9451

Fee:                             Free to sign up 


2:00 PM– 2:30 PM / Check-In, Refreshments

2:30 PM – 3:10 PM / Film Screening

3:10 PM – 3:40 PM / Q&A with Director and Panelists

3:40 PM - 4:10PM /Networking Session and Event Close


聯絡人與電話:Mary 929-310-9451 

或華僑文教中心:Tel: 718-886-7770 Ext. 105



BY Wei Jane Chir


The new exhibition opening reception: Saturday September 21, 2024. An performances and new exhibition opening reception.

2pm: Traces performance by Bipasha Hayat, Hayat makes marks on the stone as a visual representation of the marks created by humanity throughout time. The chiseling symbolizes the permanence of human marks and displays how they cannot be erased once marks are made through actions and words

A special multi-channel site-specific projection by Jeremiah Teipen, "Spatiotemporal Invaders" As a metaphor for our relationship to complex systems, biological or digital, this piece presents an immersive space between the physical and virtual, where pseudo-biological entities feed on information in crystalized forms, akin to crystal balls that allow one to see through time and space, only these crystallized forms are fractured, multifaceted digital media streams. The combination of these elements creates a game-like environment and illustrates communications beyond our consciousness.

Tomorrow” series by Gao Yuan, a three-dimensional photographic essay about time.

 Yin-Chen Chen, “The Black Earth,” a series of seven works

AND many other exquisite art works indoor and outdoor.


Past event

Governors Island House Fest- Friday, Saturday and Sunday August 16, 17, and 18, 2024

More information about House Fest:

House 7b, Taiwanese American Arts Council | Governors Island (en-US) (

Don't miss the rare opportunity to view unique new media art works at house 7b, Nolan Park. New Media artists from Taiwan: Chin-Hsiang Hu/Peppercorns, Pey-Chwen Lin, Ching-Yi Chuang & Chun-Kai Yang, and more..

More information: 

Current programs:

  • exhibition: from July 19 to August 11

    🌻Pey-Chwen Lin solo exhibition, “Eva Clone Babel I”, AR project
    🌻Ching-Yi Chuang & Chun-Kai Yang, a special mapping projection

         "Gigantic Taiwan mobile Platform: Toward the path of Freedom"

    🌻 Yu-Jei Yen: “Sitting on the Unsettling”, innovative fiber art

     outdoor installation until end of October    

    🌻 Ching-Hsiang Hu/Peppercorns: “Between Mountains and Seas”

          a large-scale transparent outdoor new media installation.

     More at 7b: 

    ·       Room 2: Kevork Mourad “City Gate” installation and video projection.

    ·       Room 3: Chia-Hsuan Kuo “Longing for Home ceramic series

    ·       Backroom: selected works reflecting Taiwan's Sunflower Movement, and other peoples’ movements around 2014 - namely Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement, the Arab Spring, the Chilean Winter and Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity

    ·       Porch installation: Gordian Knots by Chin-Chih Yang

    ·       Outdoor installation: Jade Mountain by Chin-Chih Yang

    ·       Outdoor planting sculptural installation “What and How are We Growing” by Atu Ram

    Open Studios

    ·       July 7b studio artists: Ching-Yi Chuang, Chun-Kai Yang, Ching-Hsiang Hu/Peppercorns, Chin-Chih Yang, Carle Shi, Huey-Min Chuang, Eun Young Choi, Ping-Hsin Chu, Chia-Hsuan Kuo, Gracy Wen, Atu Ram, Yung-Chieh Kao


Past Events:

Saturday June 1, 2024 1-4 pm Workshop and lectures

Session 1: 1:10pm Introduction to the 7b exhibition "Peoples' Movements" reflect the 5 world peoples’ movements around 2014 - namely Taiwan's Sunflower Movement, Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement, the Arab Spring, the Chilean Winter and Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity.

Session 2: 1:20 - 2:50: Workshop and presentation subject: The Power of Art for Peace and Social Impact co-organized by the Shield Art Foundation

Session 3: Subject: Once upon a Time, Animals of Governors Island, a talk by international expert Dr. Mona Lung whose PhD. is in Philosophy of Science and Technology, on the subject  Animals of Governors Island

  1. From 4:00 to 4:30, people will be free to mingle and discuss the talks and other topics that may arise.

(drinks and snacks will be served.)

General Open Hour: 11 am -5pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday

TAAC is in the organizational residency at Governors Island with a multiethnic residency and various open houses and exhibition programs. From Island to Island programs start from May 5th to October 30, 2023

Taiwanese American Arts Council -TAAC (2023 Governors Island TAAC at House #7B, Nolan Park)

Meet the 2023 #GovIslandArts Organizations in Residence! From May through October 2023, this dynamic mix of arts, cultural, educational, and environmental organizations from all five boroughs will present free public programs, exhibitions, workshops, artist residencies, and more in the historic houses of Nolan Park and Colonels Row on Governors Island.

Presented through Governors Island Arts, the Trust for Governors Island’s signature arts and cultural program, the seasonal Organizations in Residence initiative annually invites nonprofits from across the city to present engaging public programs while providing workspace and artist residencies. The 25 nonprofits represented here reflect the incredible diversity of New York City and will bring hundreds of unique, free programs to the Island starting this spring. Learn more about the Organizations in Residence program and meet this year’s cohort at

In addition to the 25 selected organizations, NYU Gallatin WetLab and Cumbe: Center for African and Diaspora Dance will present free outdoor programs, classes, workshops, and events at different locations around the Island during the programming season.

NYC ART BRIDGE: Wellness through Art

September 8 to October 29 at house 7b, Nolan Park, Governors Island NYC ART BRIDGE - Exhibition section two will be display from September 8 to October 29 at TAAC House 7b on Nolan Park on Governors Island. NYC Art Bridge is a cross-disciplinary program in which psychiatrists and professional artists will help us promote mental wellness.

"NYC Art Bridge" at house 7b in Nolan Park on Governors Island has been included in the recommended venues for AACAP [American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry] international conference which will meet in midtown Manhattan October 23 to 28. The exhibition will start from September 8 to End of October.

 Here is the link:

2022 URBAN TRIBES series: From Urban Reverence to Urban Divergence

OPEN CALL for Jade Mountain paintings

  • OPEN CALL for Jade Mountain paintings - E. Sun Awards (畫家畫玉山): Jade Mountain painting, first prizes up to US$ 36,000, open to Taiwanese & international artists

  • Tina Keng Gallery with 4 artists in the Frieze Art Fair, NYC (May 18-22) in The Shed

    More information view the page link

Artist to Watch

click below image bar to view more details information of the artist

Panel Discussion

This Saturday April 23 at Noon, Join us with the artist Eleen Lin, a Moby Dick expert Samuel Otter,from University of California at Berkeley, and Luchia Meihua Lee in this fun panel. It's open to the public.

2022 NYFA Hall of Fame

Honoring Taiwanese-American Performance artist CHIN CHIH YANG (楊金池)

TAAC 2022 Art in Focus - NFT Formosart Store

Enjoy Urban Reverence VIRTUAL TOUR !

About TAAC

The Taiwanese American Arts Council (TAAC) fosters awareness of Taiwanese American art within the broader community by coordinating, sponsoring, and presenting high quality programs in all disciplines of art, and encourages cross cultural exchange between Taiwanese Americans and others. From 2014 to 2019, TAAC has organized and presented numerous multi-disciplinary arts programs, partnered with various art organizations, and utilized digital media to realize the goal of promoting Taiwanese American artists and art professionals in the US. TAAC hopes to build bridges between communities, nationally and internationally, through art and culture to deepen our senses of beauty, inspiration, and empathy.

2020 Programs

Urban Tribes 都會部落 2019-2021

2020 Special Exhibition

228 and Modern Chronicle —— "Song of Taiwan Youth": Poster Exhibition by KC


Image: Otome in Taiwan / Maid of the Governor's House 台灣乙女/總督府少女

The image of a Taiwanese aboriginal girl as a symbol of Taiwanese women; her garment is half kimono and half aboriginal. The building in the background, displaying Japanese architectural style of the time and hence consciousness of Taiwan's history and culture, is Taiwan's post-war presidential palace. (台灣乙女/總督府少女|以著台灣原住民少女為形象,一邊著和服、一邊著原住民服飾來象徵台灣女性;背後的建築運用從日本時代的總督府到戰後的總統府為象徵,貫穿對台灣意識及歷史文化的傳承。 

About artist KCN (氫酸鉀)

KCN was born Wu Hsuyao in 1972 in Beidou, Changhua county, Taiwan. He debuted as a cartoonist, with two cartoons, "Kirin the Beast" and "Journey to the West", and then turned to illustration and game art work. For a long time, Taiwan's pre-war history has been the main axis of his creation. His works have been popular with painters in Taiwan and Japan. Over the years, he made hundreds of artworks. KCN's grandfather was a renowned person in the village of Beidou, and was loved by the villagers for his integrity and affection.

KCN was deeply inspired by grandfather's teaching. After the ban on "Taiwanology" was lifted, KCN read many books about Taiwan's history. He deeply understood the social atmosphere before World War II and the special emotional ties between Taiwanese and Japanese. His illustrations were also based on the suppressed history and characters of the Japanese colonial era in Taiwan (1895-1945), and his enthusiasm has also inspired many people from all over the world, possibly because of the special historical and emotional bond between Taiwan and Japan. His works have great resonance in Japan and the world.。

PAST Program

2019 Exhibition:

Chih-Hui Chuang : Coding & Decoding 莊志輝紐約個展「記。符號」

Opening reception: Thursday Oct 24, 6-8pm 

Exhibition date: October 24 to November 15, 2019

TAAC Tribeca/E. TAY Gallery, 39 White Street, NYC

SAKULA OBSESSION: Chuang Chin-Lung 黃進龍

Opening: Thursday October 24, 2019 5-7 pm 

October 24 – November 29, 2019

Pey-Chwen Lin: Eve Clone Augmented Reality  林珮淳:夏娃再製擴增實境

Opening Reception: Thursday September 26, 5-7 pm 

September 20 – October 25, 2019

Venue: QCC Art Gallery/CUNY, Bayside, NYC

Discussion: An Archtecture for every place and no place


RUR and TAAC sincerely invite you to join us for the gallery discussion An Architecture for Every Place and No Place in Particular on Thursday, October 10th, from 6:30-8pm. It will take place at TAAC Tribeca/ E.Tay Gallery (39 White Street, New York, NY 10013), as one of the exhibition events of Building Beyond Place.

Jesse Reiser will join fellow architect Stan Allen and architectural critic Jeff Kipnis to discuss the disciplinary possibilities and challenges of a cosmopolitan project in architecture today, an architecture that aspires to every place and no place in particular, following a presentation by Reiser on the exhibition Building Beyond Place. While prompted by specific projects, RUR’s Taipei Music Center, the Alishan Mount Railroad, and Kaohsiung Port Terminal, the discussion projects the vision beyond Taiwan onto broader architectural implications. Please RSVP by responding to this message. We look forward to your company!

A review from Observer (觀察家報) about our current exhibition- "Building Beyond Place: RUR Engages Taiwan’s Architectural Cosmopolitanism". The exhibition runs through October 17, don't miss this intriguing and professional exhibition. “Taiwan Embraces ‘Weird’ Building Boom With NYC’s RUR Architects at the Helm” by David D'arcy.…/rur-architects-taiwan-exhibition-tr…/
超越建築:RUR參與台灣的世界主義建築項目 [台北流行音樂中心, 高雄港埠旅運中心, 及地景系列—阿里山套裝旅遊路線] 還有10天的展期。千萬不要錯過這個獨特高品質的建築展。
Exhibition dates: September 19 to October 17
TAAC Tribeca/E. TAY Gallery, 39 White Street, NYC

Building Beyond Place: RUR Engages Taiwan’s Architectural Cosmopolitanism

[台北流行音樂中心, 高雄港埠旅運中心, 及地景系列—阿里山套裝旅遊路線]

Opening Reception: Thursday September 19, 6-9pm

Exhibition dates: September 19 to October 17

TAAC Tribeca/E. TAY Gallery, 39 White Street, NYC

Urban Hakka Tribes: Hakka Artists from Hsinchu, Taiwan & New York

都會客家部落:台灣新⽵客家庄藝術家 V.S 紐約客家籍藝術家 交流展

Opening reception: Thursday Oct 3rd, 6-9pm  

Exhibition date: September 28 to Oct 31, 2019

New York Foundation for the Arts-NYFA)

August 15, 2017, from 6 to 8 pm

El Taller Latino Americano: 215 E. 99th Street, New York City

Unveiling of a new, original piece by YUTIEN CHANG, to meet and greet Urban Tribes artists, and enjoy performances by violinist JOANNE LIN and dancer SAMMI TAI.

Curators: Luchia Meihua Lee, Jennifer Pliego

Urban Tribes-!: Urban Caravan Participating artists :

Miya ANDO, Steven BALOGH, Yutien CHANG, Ching-Yao CHEN, Jen-Pei CHENG, Andrea CORONIL, Che-Min HSAIO, Felipe GALINDO, Ming-Jer KUO, Pey-Chwen LIN, Yi-Chun LO, Lulu MENG, Kelly TSAI and Ryan Hartley SMITH, Yu-Chuan TSENG, Pei-Shih TU.

Urban Tribes I @ New York Foundation for the Arts, 20 Jay Street, Brooklyn, New York – still on view until Sept 12


Curated by John Ensor Parker & Luchia Meihua Lee, Curator of the Taiwanese American Arts Council -TAAC
Exhibition date: American Independence Day, July 4th 2019

On July 4th, American Independence Day, Light Year will present their fifty-first consecutive exhibition on the Manhattan Bridge Anchorage.

The United States is home to people of many different ethnic and cultural origins, who together compose this nation. Selected works are from artists who represent some of those varying ethnic and cultural backgrounds that collectively make America what it is. Conceptually the selected works address what it means to the artist to be part of the American experience.

The exhibition will be shown on the Manhattan Bridge Anchorage and on the Light Year “Live Feed” online.
No audio will be included in the public presentation as the sounds of passers by, the subway trains overhead on the Manhattan Bridge and the nearby 4th of July fireworks will provide a live soundtrack. The online “Live Stream” will
have the original video audio track.

New American Voices
Ernesto Gonzalez
Kelly Tsai & Ryan Hartley Smith
Pei-Ling Ho
Felipe Galindo Feggo
Dee Hibbert-Jones and Nomi Talisman
Chen Ching-Yao

LIGHT YEAR is an ongoing monthly public art video exhibition series presented by John Ensor Parker, Glowing Bulbs and the Leo Kuelbs Collection in partnership with the DUMBO
Improvement District and the NYC DOT. Originally created for the Manhattan Bridge Anchorage in DUMBO, Brooklyn, in 2015, LIGHT YEAR has become an international project, with exhibitions in DUMBO on the First Thursday of every month and online via Live Feed. Since its launch, LIGHT YEAR has hosted the work of over 500 artists and curators from around the world.
For more information on Light Year visit our Facebook page at

The exhibition begins at dark and will run on a continuous loop until 10 PM

Pearl Street Triangle (Dumbo Improvement District)

URBAN TRIBES - 3rd opening

Opening reception: Thursday June 20, 6-8pm El Taller Latino Americano ([Address: 215 E 99th St., NYC (between 2nd Ave & 3rd Ave) subway: 6, Q, or W train to 96th St)

Chin Chih Yang's interactive performance "International Passport" will highlight the opening.

We are glad to see that the multiple urban tribes at El Taller Latino Americano are open-minded about Ching-Yao Chen's I ♥ NY series, and are happy to see it.

Urban Tribes addresses the many issues that are gathered under the movement of peoples in this global era, with specific reference to the groups of people found in city areas. Starting from the perspective of immigrants traveling to the US, it proceeds to the cultural experiences of those who have arrived and are trying to acclimate. Touching on the travails of dealing with one government or another, it also poses questions about values and identity.

Urban Tribes - 2nd Opening

* Saturday June 8th 3-5 seminar, 6-8pm Opening Reception @ NYFA (20 Jay St, suite 740, Dumbo)

Come have a stimulating early summer weekend afternoon with us: Saturday June 8 from 3 to 5 pm artists/curators talk, followed at 6:00 pm by the exhibition opening reception at New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) at 20 Jay Street, DUMBO, NYC. 
We have Yu-Chuan Tseng, Pey-Chwen Lin, Peishih Tu, and Jen-Pei Cheng flying over 14 hours from Taiwan to share with us their ideas and join us 6 New York artists (Felips, Andrea, Steven, Lulu, Chemin and Kelly) , 3 curators (Jennifer & Luchia & Alexandra) and Moderator: Mark Rossier. Expect this to be a knowledge and experience sharing moment!

Do not miss it!


紐約藝術基金會New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) 地址:20 Jay St, Suite 740, Dumbo, Brooklyn, NY

藝術家策展人會談:2019年6月8日(六) 3 pm ;

開幕酒會:2019年6月8日(六) 6-8 pm

展期:2019年6月8日 至9月12日


Chin-Chih Yang: Reclaiming the Vision 楊金池的視野

Opening: Thursday September 5th, 2019 from 5 to 7pm

Exhibition Dates: August 28-September 27, 2019

Venue: QCC Art Gallery/CUNY, Bayside, NYC

Urban Tribes, part I: Urban Caravan 都會部落 1-都會大篷車

At El Taller Latino Americano through September 15

At New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) through September 12. 

LIGHT YEAR 53    Thursday September 5, 2019 8-10pm 光年 53 從人民到土地

Manhattan Bridge Anchorage, visible from Pearl Street near Water Street, DUMBO, NY

Participating Artists: Miya Ando(美夜), Ching-Yao Chen(陳擎耀), Jen-Pei Cheng (程仁珮), Pey-Chwen Lin(林珮淳,)Yu-Chuan Tseng(曾鈺涓)

Discourse about Urban Tribes cannot be confined to one public event. Come have a relaxing early summer weekend afternoon with us: Saturday June 8 from 3 to 5 pm artists/curators talk, followed at 6:00 pm by the opening reception at New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) at 20 Jay Street, DUMBO, NYC.

We have Yu-Chuan Tseng, Pey-Chwen Lin, Peishih Tu, and Jen-Pei Cheng flying over 14 hours from Taiwan to share with us their ideas and join us 8 New York artists. Expect this to be a knowledge and experience sharing moment! Do not miss it!

Urban Tribes I-Urban Caravan exhibition participating artists:

1. Miya ANDO 2. Steven BALOGH 3. Yutien CHANG 4. Ching-Yao CHEN 5. Jen-Pei CHENG 6. Andrea CORONIL 7. Felipe GALINDO8. Che-Min HSAIO 9. Ming-Jer KUO 10. Pey-Chwen LIN 11. Yi-Chun LO 12. Lulu MENG 13. Kelly TSAI & Ryan Hartley Smith 14. Yu-Chuan TSENG 15. Pei-Shih Tu

Curatorial team

  • Luchia Meihua Lee, Executive Director, Taiwanese American Arts Council, NYC (Chief Curator)

·       Jennifer Pliego, Director of Special Programs and Head of the House of Art, El Taller Art Center, NYC

·       Sarah Walko, Curator, Director of Education & Community Engagement, Visual Art Center of New Jersey

·       John Ensor Parker, Light Year, NYC

Opening Reception Dates & Venues :

URBAN TRIBES I - Urban Caravan

* Saturday June 8th 3-5 seminar, 6-8pm Opening Reception @ NYFA (20 Jay St, suite 740, Dumbo)

* Thursday June 20th, 6-8pm @ El Taller Latino Americano(215 E 99th St., NYC)

* Thursday May 30th, 6-8pm TAAC Tribeca/R Gallery/E. Tay Gallery (39 White Street, NYC) 

The subject of Urban Tribes is a portion of the urgent topic of the transnational movement of people in the era of globalization. A dilemma faced on many continents, it reveals the potential crisis in political, economic, and cultural arenas.  From this wider subject, we focus in on cultural issues in the new community that has been created typically in the big city where inevitable impacts are compounded. “Tribe” applies to a wide group, defined by ethnicity, national origin, language, art work subjects etc.

Artists [alphabetically by SURNAME]
1. Miya ANDO 2. Steven BALOGH
3. Yutien Chang 
4. Ching Yao CHEN

5. CHENG, Jen Pei
6. Andrea CORONIL
7. Felipe GALINDO
8. Chemin HSIAO
9. Mingjer KUO
10. Pey-Chwen LIN
11. Lulu Meng
12. Lo, Yi-Chuan 
13. Kelly TSAI & Ryan Hartley SMITH
14. Yu-chuan TSENG
15. Pei Shih TU

URBAN TRIBES II: Urban Reverence

TAAC Tribeca/E. TAY/R Gallery: September 12-October 21, 2019 (opening reception Sep 12 6-8pm )

NYFA September 26-December 6th, (opening reception: September 26 6-8pm )

URBAN TRIBES II: Urban Reverence

Artists [alphabetically by SURNAME]

  1.    Reinhard Blank

  2.   Stephanie Cheung/Chengwen Lin

  3.   Yeh Fang ,

  4.   Diana Heise,

  5.   Sarah HAVILAND

  6.   Hiroshi JASHIKI

  7.   Alexander Khimushin

  8. Walis LaBai (Dingwu WU)

  9. Catherine Lan

  10.   Lee Wei

  11. Jason Lujan

  12.  Eleng Luluan

  13. Sarah Walko

  14. J. Maya Luz

  15. Herberto Turizzo Anaya

A 120-page book with essays and color plates will be published with the exhibition.

NYFA Joanne Y. Chen Fellowship for Taiwanese American Artists

Applications for the 2018-19 award cycle are being accepted through Wednesday, January 23, 2019, 11:59 PM EST

Awards Announced: July 2019 details and application:  

The Joanne Y. Chen Fellowship is awarded each year to a Taiwanese American artist living in New York State. Joanne Y. Chen (1949-2015) was the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Jung-Chieh Kuo and wife of Taiwanese American Art Council President Dr. Lung Fong Chen. Born in Tainan, Taiwan, she was raised and educated in Japan, earning a Bachelor’s Degree in History from the Sophia University in Tokyo, and a Master’s Degree in Sociology from New York University. Joanne Y. Chen was a supporter of the local community, a paragon of moral integrity, and a role model for Taiwanese Americans.

Guidelines and application for the award can be found at To apply for the Joanne Y. Chen Fellowship, select the discipline in which you would like to apply; in the application you will see a question which says, "Are you eligible for the Joanne Chen Fellowship," check yes and then you will be prompted to give a brief explanation of your connection to Taiwan. All other aspects of the application are the same as for the NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowship. The application closes on January 23, 2019. 

Link to How to Apply - NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowship

Congratulations!!! Kelly Tsai, 2017 NYFA Joanne Y Chen Taiwanese American artist grantee.

It’s Happening! Celebrating 50 Years of Public Art in NYC Parks. October 2017 at Central Park

Taiwan Tribal Spirits Updated

Catherine Lan (Artistic Director/ Visual Art), Beverly Tu (Costume), Hang-Yu Liu (Dancer), Chieh Hsiung (Dancer), Yutien Chang (Performer/ Sculpture), Shuo-An Chen (Composer)

It’s Happening! Celebrating 50 Years of Public Art in NYC Parks
Saturday, October 21, 2017, 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
East Pinetum (East 84th Street), Central Park (Right behind the Metropolitan Museum)

This year NYC Parks is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its Art in the Parks program. Since its creation in 1967, Art in the Parks has featured over 2,000 works of art.

On Saturday, October 21, NYC Parks is transforming Central Park into a stage, museum, and art studio for a free day of public art to celebrate this milestone. Art lovers, families, and park-goers will be delighted by free art exhibits, performances, and hands-on art workshops in Central Park’s beautiful East Pinetum field.

The event will take place at the East Pinetum in Central Park. Enter at the East 84th Street Entrance at the East Drive, behind the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Over 100 artworks, workshops and performances will take place throughout the day. Some activities include:

• Taiwanese American Arts Council: Taiwan Tribal Spirits Updated

• Bronx Museum: Button-making based on Bronx public artworks

• Materials for the Arts: Reuse Sculpture Station

• Blythe Cain: Painting public artworks with natural pigments

• Kim Holleman: Trailer Park-let

• Sing for Hope: the city’s favorite pianos

• Amanda Long and Historic House Trust: Paper marbling workshop Change to Amanda Long and Historic House Trust: Paper marbling wishes

• Groundswell: Sketchbook Making

• United Photo Industries: Create a zine

• Urban Field Station: Write with a tree alphabet

• LMCC/Dances for a Variable Population: Dance workshop for all

• Art Built: What it means to be a global citizen

• City Arts, Inc: Pieces for Peace

• Dream Yard: Mosaic workshop with recyclable material

• Juanli Carrion: Spice portraits

• Art Students League: Origami and collage workshop

• Public Art Fund: Art-making workshop based on works of Ai Weiwei

• Limon Dance Company/ Bryant Park Corp: Modern dance workshop

• Daniele Frazier: Life-drawing class of a model in a polar bear costume

• Poetry Society of NY: One-on-One Poetry Experiences

• Art Production Fund: Art Sundae! Create a public art project with Elise Peterson

• Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance: Wind Chimes Made from Recyclables with Evelyn Suero

• Katya Grokhovsky: Slow Dance with Me

• Broadway Mall Association: Collaborative Clay Mural Making with Joy Brown

• The Moving Company performance with Tina Wang, Scynge Xing, Tamar Ettun

As NYC Parks’ public art program took shape in the 1960s, artistic events called “happenings” popped up in parks across the city. Blurring the line between art and everyday life, these fleeting performances combined sculpture, music, theater, dance, and poetry. They varied in size and sophistication, but always relied on audience participation.

NYC Parks’ 50th anniversary celebration "It’s Happening!" captures the same creative spirit with dynamic public artworks, hands-on workshops, and performances.

For more information about NYC Parks' Art in the Parks program, please visit

Summer Art Roses Party [Art Talk, Performance and Reception] 夏末午後藝術對談+表演

Saturday August 26, 2-5pm @ Pfizer building

Art historian: Shupei Lee (李書豆)from Tainan, Taiwan

Curator: Luchia Meihua Lee, executive director TAAC, NY

NY artists: Steven Balogh, Mingjer Kuo, Lulu Meng, Yutien Chang

Fully Loaded: curator: Yuan-Da Hsu; Artists from Tainan:  Wan-Ting Wang, Jam Wu, Wei-Wen Fang, Huang-Ti Lin, Kuo-Chun Chiu, Yi-Min Huang

 Yutien Chang is going to have a live performance to crash his painting; guess what you will witness given his ceramic sculptures. 

Pfizer Building, 630 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11026 [1st floor, by door on Flushing Ave nearest Marcy]

Loaded Roses  @Fully Loaded  Tainan-New York

玫瑰上船 @《大船入港》2017臺南-紐約 系列

A new 18 foot painting of roses has just joined the Fully Loaded exhibition at Pfizer.

Steven Balogh, Loaded Roses, 2018. acrylic on canvas, 5'4" X 18 ' Loaded Roses,Loaded with dreams, love, fragrance, hopes, expectations, a broken beauty, and even death.

Fully Loaded     Tainan - New York 2017

《大船入港》-2017 臺南-紐約 對飛計劃

Exchange residency program and exhibition

Opening Reception: Wednesday July 26, 2017 6-9pm

Venue: Pfizer Building, 630 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11206


“Fully loaded” references fishing boats returning to port heavily laden, and thus by extension the traditional livelihoods of an island people.  It also alludes to the well-rounded culture of those inhabiting that island.

Like New Amsterdam, Tainan in the 17th century was an outpost of Dutch influence. While the Dutch colonized all of Taiwan from 1624 to 1662, their capital there was Tainan, and to this day several forts from that era survive in the city and memorialize Dutch sway.  Dutch rule over New York stretched from 1609 to 1667. And like New York, Tainan is a port.

The various artists included in this exhibition reflect different aspects of the culture of Tainan or New York, generating snapshots growing out of life experience. In addition to the stresses mentioned below, they react to fissures between male and female, between Taoist folk religion on the one hand and science and technology on the other, and the ever-present strains between rural and urban life.


         QCC Art Gallery/CUNY

          March 16 - June 17,  2017

Participating 20 Artists: Taiwan: Chen Ching-Lin 陳景林, Chuang Hui-Lin 莊惠琳, Eleng Luluan 安聖惠(峨冷), Teresa Huang 黃麗絹, Huang Wen-Ying 黃文英, Huang Yen-Chao 黃彥超, Huang Yu-Chih 黃裕智,  Wu Wen-Chi 吳汶錡,  Yang Wei-Lin 楊偉林,Wen-Fu Yu 游文富。.NY; Steven Balogh, Hiroshi Jashiki (謝敷 宏), Ming Jer Kuo (郭明哲), Catherine Lan (藍巧茹), Lulu Meng (孟祥璐), John Ensor Parker, Sarah Walko , Poyen Wang (王博彥), Chin Chih YANG (楊金池)

Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Queens College, CUNY

         405 Klapper Hall, 65-30 Kissena Boulevard, Flushing, NY 11367

    t: 718.997.4747 

 April 6, 2017 – May 26, 2017    

Participating 10 Artists: Taiwan: Chen Ching-Lin 陳景林, Hsu Wei-Hui 徐薇蕙, Teresa Huang 黃麗絹, Huang Mei-Hui 黃美惠, Huang Wen-Ying 黃文英, Pan Ping-Yu 潘娉玉, Wu Pei-Shan 吳佩珊, Wu Yun-Feng 巫雲鳳, Yang Wei-Lin 楊偉林,Wen-Fu Yu 游文富。. 

EL Museo de Los Sures,Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY

          120 South 1st Street, Williamsburg, Brooklyn (Between Bedford

          Avenue and Berry Street) Brooklyn, NY 11249  t: 347-987-4626

         April 18 - June 30, 2017

Participating 7 Artists: Steven Balogh, Hiroshi Jashiki (謝敷 宏), Ming Jer Kuo (郭明哲), Catherine Lan (藍巧茹), Lulu Meng (孟祥璐), Poyen Wang (王博彥), Chin Chih YANG (楊金池).

Major support for the exhibition is provided by: Ministry of Culture, Taiwan, ROC. Taiwanese American Arts Council, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, QCC Art Gallery/CUNY, Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Queens College/ CUNY, El Museo de Los Sures.

Special Sponsorship is provided by China Airline

Additional support: Queens Council on the Arts, New York Department of Cultural Affairs, Milton & Sally Avery Arts Foundation, Queens College/CUNY. 

This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by the Queens Council on the Arts.

Special thanks to: Dr. Yulin Lee (Director, KMFA), Dr. Kenneth Howell (editor), Brita Helgesen (Museum Manager, GTM) and Elizabeth Hoy (Collections Curator and Manager, GTM), Lisa Scandaliato (Executive Coordinator, QCC Art Gallery), Alan Yu (Museum Manager, El Museo de Los Sures)

2017-January  -NYFA  Joanne Y. Chen Fellowship

NYFA-Joanne Y. Chen Fellowship for Taiwanese-American artists applying in Crafts/Sculpture, Digital/Electronic Arts, Nonfiction Literature, and Printmaking/Drawing/Book Arts)  Deadline: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 11:59 PM (EST).

go visit below link to get details.

Best of luck with your application!

NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowships, offered in fifteen different disciplines over a three-year period, are $7,000 cash awards made to individual originating artists living and working in the state of New York for unrestricted use. NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowships are not project grants but are intended to fund an artist’s vision or voice, regardless of the career stage of his or her artistic development.


2016 March,  We, TAAC, wrapped up the last THE MOMENT program, a beautiful outdoor exhibition in Flushing Meadows Corona Park. In May, we invited four New York guests to visit Taiwan; they are Dr. Amy Winter, Director/Chief Curator of the Godwin Ternbach Museum; Dr. Faustino Qinnatilla. Director of QCC Gallery, CUNY; Michael Royce, Executive Director, New York Foundation for the Arts; and Dr. Kenneth Howell, Senior editor.

The guests were guided to visit various cultural and art organizations, museums,  artist studios, from north Taiwan to the south, and the towns on the east coast. These cities included Taipei, Nantou, Tainan, Chiayi, Kaohsiung,  Taitung, and New Taipei City. They were invited to attend the inauguration ceremony of Taiwan's new National President Tsai Ing-Wen. Following the visit, there will be several collaboration projects forthcoming.

Dr. Amy Winter states “This trip was transformative. Taiwan is an amazing island of enlightened people who treasure community, creativity, and democracy. My thanks to Luchia(TAAC)understates my gratitude and appreciation.”

Light Year 2017: Passenger Moment    April 6th, 2017 

Light Year 24: Passenger Moment

Video Exhibition on the Manhattan Bridge Anchorage

Anchorage Place & Pearl Street, Brooklyn, NY

Thursday, April 6th 2017, 7PM – 10PM

The exhibition will be presented via “Live Feed” online the day of the show and at the Fata Morgana Project Space Gallery in Berlin Thursday, April 6th, 7PM-10PM (local time)

Curated by Luchia Meihua Lee, Executive Director, Taiwanese American Arts Council 

Participating Artists and video titles:

  • Meng Chih Chiang: A Stranger to Words

  • Jeremiah Teipen: Ice Cubes Melting in a Plastic Cup

  • Poyen Wang: A Fabricated Personal History

  •  Chinchih Yang: Kill Me or Change

  •  Rosalie Yu and Alon Chitayat: Skin Deep


LIGHT YEAR is an ongoing public art video projection project presented monthly on the Manhattan Bridge Anchorage by John Ensor Parker, Leo Kuelbs & Glowing Bulbs (aka 3_Search) in collaboration with the DUMBO Business Improvement District and the NYC DOT. LIGHT YEAR has hosted the work of over 150 artists and curators from around the world.


Ai and Sensui Calligraphy & Kyoto Culture @ Sunday, May 21st, 2017 1-5pm @ Queens Museum

Taiwanese Japanese Friendship Program:

Ai and Sensui Calligraphy & Kyoto Culture

Sunday, May 21st, 2017 1-5pm @ Queens Museum @ New York City Building, Flushing Meadow Corona Park

Organized by: Luchia Meihua Lee & Tomoko Kawamura

Kyoto, the imperial capital of Japan for over one thousand years, is not only famous for its interesting places but also its cultural depth. Many temples and shrines can be found in Kyoto, more than in the other cities of Japan, as well as many preserved Japanese buildings, and more people who still wear Kimonos. While it is a modern city, Kyoto retains the flavor of ancient Japan.

Ai Takaoka’s calligraphy performance has been presented in many shrines in Kyoto. Her traditional Japanese calligraphy action is an elegant and powerful performance of living brushwork.

Sensui Oikawa represents the 4th generation of a family of calligraphers, and has distinguished herself as a calligrapher. She received many important awards for her Japanese calligraphy, and exhibits internationally.  She is also a skilled player of the Okoto, a traditional Japanese instrument.

Emi Kikuchi will present kimonos and discuss the finer points of kimono wearing and fashion. With dancer Akiko Tokuka, and models of Manami Noguchi, Mami Inari and Alisa Kikuchi.

Yael Archer-Modiano will play the modern music which is influence by shakuhachi, a traditional Japanese flute.

Kyoto Culture is a unique one-day cultural and art event. This program include three sections: Calligraphy, Music performance, Kimono and handicraft displaced. This one day activities that will make you experience Japanese culture, and Japanese traditions. ###

Schedule Details

1:40-2:00 pm (20 mins) * Japanese influenced modern flute (Yael Acher)-

2:00-2:30 *Kimono models (Emi Kikuchi/Akiko Tokuka/Manami Noguchi/ Alisa Kikuchi also walk around the lobby , 2:20 gradually move toward the 2nd floor

2:30-2:50 (20 minutes)

* Japanese koto music instrument and Calligraphy performance (Sensui Oikawa)

3:00 - 3:15 (10-15mins)* calligraphy performance  (Ai Takaoka)

3:15 – 3:30 (15 mins) * Kimono, installation introduction and talk (Emi Kikuchi)

3:30- 3:50 (20 mins) * calligraphy/painting performance-two (Sensui Oikawa)

4:00-4:20(20 mins) * calligraphy performance –floor & body calligraphy performance (Ai Takaoka)

*Japanese influenced modern flute (Yael Acher)

4:30-4:40(10-15mins) Discussion time for audience to ask questions (Luchia and All)

Light Year 2017 Passenger Moment

April 6th, 2017 

Curated by Luchia Meihua Lee

Participating Artists and video titles: 

  • Meng Chih Chiang: A Stranger to Words

  • Jeremiah Teipen: Ice Cubes Melting in a Plastic Cup

  • Poyen Wang: A Fabricated Personal History

  • Chinchih Yang: Kill Me or Change

  • Rosalie Yu and Alon Chitayat: Skin Deep

Passenger Moment is a title which designates reacting to a system of thought that is based on life. As humans, we are confronted with a transitory existence that is relative to the world when we arrived. Included in this exhibit are five artists who use their personal experiences in life to expand the relationship between themselves and their subjects, and furthermore to express their concerns about the surroundings. This presentation is not to celebrate the beauty of nature or to praise the charming, romantic and magnificent. Instead of that, we investigate self and society.  Poyen Wang in A Fabricated Personal History took faces of stranger children and transferred them to familiar yet alien faces. In doing so, he addresses the assimilation period to the new land or the new world. All various color skins are also present in this multi-cultural city and in the Skin Deep project sketched by Rosalie Yu and Alon Chitayat, where a wide variety of human faces appear in the running video that been painted in different colors. The dripping lines and colors show its spontaneous drawing texture and a cold, lifeless face as urban residents pass by. After learning the various languages, the letters and venues in another way turn to familiar or unfamiliar ways to connect people universally, as decoded by Meng Chih Chiang’s A Stranger to Words that intertwines lines and mingles them with letters. The turning shape takes the viewer to an illuminated and illusionary world. In our materials world, we take pride in rapid high-tech development, ignoring the harmful effect on the environment and our very lives. Overused consumer goods turn to be undecomposed chemical elements that fly around in Jeremiah Teipen’s Ice Cubes Melting in a Plastic Cup. Also, the 30,000 beverage cans – the number used by the average American in a lifetime - that drop onto Chinchih Yang’s head in Kill Me or Change remind us of the astonishing quantities of waste that we have created and that are so deleterious to the earth, the planet which we only recently have come to see as fragile. This view project in this light year is without doctrine, but a beautiful, creative, abstract image that indicates us as strangers to this world.


LIGHT YEAR is an ongoing public art video projection project presented monthly on the Manhattan Bridge Anchorage by John Ensor Parker, Leo Kuelbs & Glowing Bulbs (aka 3_Search) in collaboration with the DUMBO Business Improvement District and the NYC DOT. LIGHT YEAR has hosted the work of over 150 artists and curators from around the world. 



TAAC Art Benefit Gala

TAAC house 7b in Nolan Park on Governors Island

Open Hour: 11 am -5pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday

www.  email: