We at TAAC send you love and hope that we all keep safe in this difficult time.

The Urban Field Station Collaborative Arts Program,

A residency created by the USDA Forest Service, NYC Parks, The Nature of Cities and other partners, where selected artists engage with land managers and researchers to better understand, represent, and communicate about urban social-ecological systems through works of art and imagination.

General information about the program can be found https://ufsarts.com/

and a description of the call and application for the New York and Baltimore residencies can be found


E. Sun Awards 畫家畫玉山

OPEN CALL for Jade Mountain paintings & Save the date for Urban Divergence

E. Sun Awards: Jade Mountain painting, first prizes up to US$ 36,000, open to Taiwanese & international artists

Tina Keng Gallery with 4 artists in the Frieze Art Fair, NYC (May 18-22) in The Shed

Save the Date: June 10 & June 24, 2022

Urban Divergence and Urban Reverence

Friday, June 10, 3-5pm

Old Pfizer building, 630 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11206

Directions: https://goo.gl/maps/9EL51TQ9aemgg8kr7

Friday June 24, 6-8pm

Valerie Goodman Gallery, 315 E 91st St, New York, NY 10128

Directions: https://goo.gl/maps/N3QAZbAGsGaCezu96

2022 NYFA Hall of Fame

Honoring Taiwanese-American Performance artist CHIN CHIH YANG (楊金池)

Beyond Her Story! Artists in Focus

Vivian Tsao Journey in Light - Exhibition of Words and Images

Now through December 10, 2021 at National Arts Club (15 Gramercy Park South, New York City https://www.nationalartsclub.org/exhibitions)

Vivian Tsao "Journey in Light: exhibition of Words and Images" at the National Arts Club

An exquisite retrospective exhibit. Taken as a whole, the works reveal warm, quiet and wistfulness mediated by the artist's changing relationship to light.

more details: https://conta.cc/3pwueMW

She Says, Her Story - Contemporary Women Artists from Taiwan

November 11 to December 19, 2021 at IA&A at Hillyer in D.C.

Curator: Yu-Chuan TSENG

participating artists: I-Chun CHEN 、Wen-Jen DENG 鄧文貞、Jui Hung NI Heidi Ni、Ping-Yu PAN 潘娉玉、Yi-Hsin TZENG Tzeng YiHsin、Ya-Lan YU 游雅蘭 

Venue: International Arts & Artists building, IA&A at Hillyer

9 Hillyer Court NW, Washington, DC 20008 [located near Metro Red LIne, Dupont Circle north exit] 1+ 202-338-0680

for the most recent information: www.artsandartists.org

Six female Taiwanese artists of different identities (Aboriginal, Hakka, Taiwanese, and Lesbian) and of different ages (30-50 years old) participate to voice "Her story." Employing various media - including video, painting, print, woven fabric, soft sculpture, and light box - the artists express their observations and explorations as they relate to their personal lives and the stories of their ancestors and and friends.

Urban Reverence- Virtual Tour, Artist in Focus-Yeh Fang & Sarah Walko


Virtual Gallery ONE


The current pandemic throws everything into turmoil, making us more widely connected by cyberlink, and more in tune with nature and inner mindset. This exhibit focuses on the diversity of life that promotes interactive relationships in communities.  A self-sufficient group in any ethnicity may develop its own cultural identity, diverging significantly from its original character. Yet the members of urban tribes never completely take on the living style of the larger population in which they reside, and it is the differences that are most interesting. Here, we use a fresh perspective to view isolated pockets of disjointedness, and then interpret them in a larger context. We are all in a one-universe tribe.

Urban Tribes, of which this is the second part, examines how “tribe” and “community” have changed to apply to wider groups, defined by race, ethnicity, language, culture, art, economic dynamics, or even digital commonality. The resulting groupings form one of the urgent topics of the 21st century, which in many countries portend crises in political, economic, cultural, and environmental issues. Artists working in various media and representing various ethnic and cultural backgrounds conceptually address what it means to be part of these Urban Tribes. Here, the interconnection between mind, body, nature, culture, language, and how working with this concept of the urban tribe will pull a viewer through a symbolic journey.

Curatorial team:

Chief Curator: Luchia Meihua Lee, Executive Director, TAAC

Co-curators: Jennifer Pliego, Director of Special Programs and Head of the House of Art, El Taller Latino

Americano, NYC. Sarah Walko, Curator, Director of Education & Community Engagement, Visual Art Center of New Jersey

<iframe src="https://m.asterpiece.com/space4/?UrbanTribeII=" width="975" height="655" style="border: none;" id=“UrbanTribeII></iframe> 

Urban Tribes-II Urban Reverence Participating artists

Herberto Turizzo Anaya, Reinhard Blank, Eric C. Chiang, Dennis Redmoon Darkeem, Catherine Lan (藍巧茹), Lee Wei (李瑋) , Yen-hua Lee (李燕華) , Stephanie Cheung/Chengwen Lin (林正文), ShihPao Lin (林世寳), J. Maya Luz, Eleng Luluan (安聖惠), Sarah Haviland, Diana Heise, Hiroshi Jashiki, Alexander Khimushin, Walis LaBai (Dingwu Wu吳鼎武), , Rosalia Mowgli, Sarah Walko, Chin Chih Yang (楊金池), Yeh Fang (葉方)


As 2021 spring snowstorm drops some messages that the world is going to face big challenges. We gratitude all the blessings have received, also grateful for the important people we have met these few years. No one knows what the New Year will bring, but we are hoping eventually for good Things for all of us.

Happy and healthy year 2021 & the Year of OX!

TAAC is supported in part by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.

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Urban Reverence

TAAC is supported in part by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.

TAAC Urban Tribes series programs partners:


Art Benefit Gala 2014, 2015, 2016