Stay Tune!
2025 ECOArt on Island
May 17-November 2nd 2025
2025 EcoArt on Island
Art in Environmental Reaction for Mental Health
Triune in nature, this proposal uniquely associates here normally disparate communities and will be led by a heterogeneous team composed of medical (psychiatric) professionals, art professionals (curators, painters, sculptors, performance artists and more), and environmental experts to develop novel approaches to ameliorating and mitigating environmental effects on human health. In no particular order, leg one is mental health; leg two is artistic expression; leg three is environmental concern. This proposal is tripodal in essence, but for clarity of exposition, each leg will be described separately, followed by how it will be applied to improving public heath – especially mental health - and means of measuring success of this project. Its continuation is envisioned if this experiment is successful.
Feasibility of this project will depend crucially upon support for the proposal in its entirety, thus allowing this hitherto untried experiment to proceed, for the collaborators involved have never and would not normally work together on such a venture.
To start arbitrarily with leg one (mental health), climate change is a global health emergency, affecting millions of children and their families. The current concerns of climate change include acute events (e.g., wildfires, hurricanes, foods), subacute events (e.g., droughts), or chronic events (e.g., increasing temperatures; Clemens V 2020). In turn, these climate…..(to be continued)
如果這個實驗成功的話,我們預期它將繼續進行。 該計畫的可行性將主要取決於對整個提案的支持,從而允許這個迄今為止未經嘗試的實驗繼續進行,因為涉及的合作者從未、通常也不會在這樣的計畫上合作。
隨意從第一點(心理健康)開始,氣候變遷是一個全球衛生緊急事件,影響著數百萬名兒童及其家庭。目前人們對氣候變遷的關注包括急性事件(例如野火、颶風、食物)、亞急性事件(例如乾旱)或慢性事件(例如氣溫升高;Clemens V 2020)。反過來,這些氣候事件可以…….(論述待續。)